In this section you will find information about projects which are not only connected with our main topics.
We are taking part in a lot of international projects and we are also a sending organisation for lots of participants. If you want to cooperate with us, please, contact our international project coordinator.
We offer to young people (18 – 26 years) the chance to participate in lots of international projects (youth exchanges, training courses) which are mostly supported by Erasmus+ Programme. We expect high motivation from the participants before we decide to send them on a project (they need to fill in an application form including motivation letter) and good communication skills (English at minimum B1 level).
Nowadays we are preparing various projects (youth exchanges, training courses) in Armenia, Serbia and Romania.
ACT LOCAL THINK GLOBAL (26.1. - 2.2. 2015), Viseu, Portugal
This Youth Exchange was made for 5 countries (Czech Republic, Portugal, Croatia, Sweden, Poland). The debate around the active youth participant in the local communities in Portugal is actually a very significant from the point of view of social and economic development, expressing an extraordinary accession that can give to youth associations and community to a variety of actors that actually constitute a backbone of the country, particularly in fighting democratic absenty. The current phase of the political system also confers additional weight to the role of the local councils and requires the presence of new measures to the citizens demanding. In this context that fits the current project, conceived as an opportunity for debate youth policies at a local level, reflection and training on the participation of yougsters in youth local policies for the benefit of the community and themselves that will be able to gain experience of cultural exchange with host communities and acquire technical expertise on the basis of a specific activities in such fields.
EUROPEAN YOUTH VOICE (youth exchange) – long term project http://www.europeanyouthvoice.eu/
This project is for European Youth journalist. We have been participating in this project fourtimes. We sent the participants to these meetings: September 2011 - Aachen, October 2012 - Cologne, July 2013 - Athens and November 2013 - Münster (Germany). Now we are looking for participants for meeting in November/December 2014 in Hungary.
For more information, please, contact us through the contact form.
BALTIC WAY FOR PEACE (training course) – Latvia, September 2014
WHERE ARE WE GOING? (youth exchange) – Poland 2013
In this exchange 25 young people from the Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and Turkey participated. The main goal of this project was to find the answer for the question ‘Where are we going?’ in two perspectives: individual and group one. Youngsters took a part in workshops about positive psychology, art therapy, fast reading, stimulating of creativity and micro-expression. Thanks to the workshop each participant was able to learn more about himself and also how to work with positive and negative side of his personality. The next part of the project was a discussion about the need of the public good, needs and future of European Union, minority rights and ecology.
BETWEEN MYTHS AND REALITY (youth exchange) - Romania 2013
The project brought together young people from different countries (Romania, Malta, Czech Republic, Poland and Turkey). The main objectives of the project were: discovering other cultures and myths, sharing experiences between European youth organisations and cultural interaction between participants. Besides the fascinating discovery of the myths and legends, we did during the project many interesting activities like: visiting Dracula’s castle, making handmade items, brainstormings, workshops, debates, cultural nights, treasure hunting in Brasov, realisation of an exhibition and a final show, socialisation activities and intercultural games.
BALTIC WAY FOR PEACE (training course) – Latvia, September 2014
The aim of this training course was to create space for self learning aboout peacebuidling, mediation, meditation and healthy life style to motivate young people to think about yourselves.
POWER TO YOUTH (training course) - Luxembourg, October/November 2014
The aim of this training course was to create space for exchanging best practise, learning new tools of ,,3E´´ - Empowerment, Enterpreneurship and Empolyability and its application in work with young people in non formal learning field.
SAFER INTERNET FORUM 2014 (conference) - Brussels, Belgium, November 2014
The Safer Internet Forum is a key annual international conference in Europe where policy-makers, researchers, law enforcement bodies, youth, parents and carers, teachers, NGOs, industry representatives, experts and other relevant actors come together to discuss the latest trends, risks and solutions related to child online safety.