“Learning Challenge”
- 1. Use others life
Like learning from experiences. For me it is the biggest challenge, when I have the opportunity to learn from another experiences or best practices. Thanks to that, we can see if something is real or not, if it could work for us or no. From best practice we can take ideas, which learning strategy work as the best for us (mind mapping, using of key words etc.). We can also innovate ideas and suggestions from another people. And why is it challenging? Because we know that it was useful for another people or companies, it helps them to improve or empower themselves. We could teach them also something new, because we have another experiences, or even we have tried another challenges. Why we shouldn't try it or even try to be better and more successful than the others. But don't forget that for sharing we need safer and open minded space, otherwise it wouldn't be challenging but maybe even poisoning.
- 2. Challenging learning[1]
We could use the acronym FACTS, even challenging learning should be based on all of these segments.
- Feedback
Feedback should provide information – relating to a set task or to the process of learning – that helps move pupils towards their learning objectives. 'The most powerful single modification that enhances achievement is feedback.'(John Hattie)
Pupils apply themselves when they pay close attention to their learning and persist in their efforts. How much they apply themselves is often a product of the value they place on the learning goal multiplied by the level of expectation they have of achieving the goal. 'Mediocrity achieves more with application than superiority does without it.'(Baltasar Gracián, 1601–1658)
Challenge underpins all of the other factors. It involves helping people to overcome difficulties intrinsic to a task or that the teacher has set for a purpose. 'We need more challenge and less instruction, since it is from challenge that one grows in body, mind and spirit.'(Matthew Lipman)
To teach thinking is to help children develop conceptual capacities, powers of judgement and practical wisdom. 'The development of general ability for independent thinking and judgement should always be placed foremost, not the acquisition of special knowledge.'(Albert Einstein)
Self-esteem involves confidence, self-worth and the personal resources for working through setbacks. 'It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself.' (Muhammad Ali, 1942– )
- 3. Like a puzzle
Build your own working system. As I mentioned in the part – learning from experiences. We can use another people experiences as examples. But for sure we cannot just copy them, we have to reflect them, how useful could they be for us. Probably we have to try 20 of them (leaning styles, challenging ways etc.) but even if we would love 18 of them. We can find out that just 5 of them are working for us. Or even that we can use just some parts of them. We have to learn how to take just the most important things and how to rebuild them in way, which is going to work for 100% for us. For some of us it could be the hardest part to form our best learning style. We don't have to give up, because if we are successful we could safe lot's of time in our future. And even if we are going to be successful in our own learning style. Then we can try to create learning styles and challenges for our colleagues, but everything starts with us (don't forget it !!) Yes, we could have feelings like creating Eifel Tower with 2000 puzzle sticks, but the effect is so fulfilling.
[1] http://www.jamesnottingham.co.uk/phpmedia/docs/b53... [29/11/ 2015]