YE Wings for You(th)
Onesti, Romania (2016-04-10 - 2016-04-20)
If you look around, different socities always exclude certain groups of people, based on their culture - the two main elements which come up are: the condition and degree of being "in" or "out"; and the process of changing that condition. Not being involved in our society, discrimination of youth with few opportunities,low levels of awareness among young people about the cultures of other countries, excluding oneself from society, prejudices, promoting non-values in society can cause negative effects on young people (such as lack of motivation, lack of involvement, self-exclusion from society, the emergence of prejudice, intolerance and indifference feeling adoption, loss of national identity) and on society and the community (such as loss of traditions and values, loss of unity and uniqueness concept). Read the infopack for more info.