TITLE: Citizens' reflections on the Future of EU
FUNDING PROGRAMME: Europe for Citizens 2014-2020
SUB-PROGRAMME: Democratic engagement and civic participation
ACTION: 2.3: Civil Society Projects
PERIOD: 1 January 2019 – 30 June 2020
The project "Citizens' Reflection on Future of EUrope" (FuturEU) addresses the most important European political topics laid down in the White Paper for the Future of Europe and the thematic reflection papers. By organizing local forums (Citizens' Advisory Councils), the project gives citizens of 8 European cities the chance to explore how specific policy fields based on the themes of social Europe, globalization and migration, economic and monetary union, EU finances, EU defense, digital Europe, youth – make an impact on the local and regional social environment in which citizens live and how they will reflect the everyday life in Europe in implication of the five scenario. Local findings and reflections will be discussed during 8 international citizens' forums in 8 local communities; the results will be publicly presented in the 8 communities and discussed with local, national and European policy-makers. The citizens' forums will be accompanied by number of local exhibitions, Facebook competition, study visit, story-telling session, solidarity actions, street festival (Schuman Parade) in Warsaw that will involve also young people and EVS volunteers. The final event, Citizens' Parliament Session, will discuss, issue and vote a Citizens' Reflection Paper on the Future of Europe that will be disseminated to the newly elected EP MPs. Thus the project foster the sense of belonging to the European family and EU among its citizens and provide them with the opportunity to interact actively, to participate and construct a closer Europe to become united and stronger; to have their say and their interaction for the future of Europe, future of EU and enroll them actively in the coming 2019 EP Elections.
The 18-months action will be implemented by 8 NGOs from Croatia, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Spain, Germany and Italy.
During these months project events will involve 900 direct participants and indirectly over 8000, allowing them to meaningfully relate European policies to their social life and reality, the project intends to stimulate an informed public debate about benefits and challenges in major EU policy fields and its future.