Počet míst: 4 účastníci
Věkový limit: 18-30 let pro účastníky
Účastnické země: ČR, Rakousko, Srbsko, Španělsko, Rumunsko, Lotyšsko, Litva
Cena: 200 Kč (administrativní poplatek za zpracování); 170 euro na dopravu (bude zpětně proplaceno hostitelskou organizací); ubytování a plná penze jsou hrazeny hostitelskou organizací
Info: The main aim of this training is improvement of young people toward employability and entrepreneurship by providing participants with knowledge and skills necessary to assure self management, to enhance their competitiveness and thereby encourage social inclusion. The organizers of project, Organisation serbischer Studenten im Ausland Wien-OSSAW, is a non-profit, politically impartial, organization of Serbian students located in Vienna, Austria. The organization was founded in 2011, and it is a part of the global organization of Serbian students abroad (OSSI). OSSAW brings together Serbian students studying in Vienna, but it also brings together students from Vienna with students from other OSSI branches, which are situated in Paris, Rome, Milan, Prague, Heidelberg, Zurich, Stockholm, London, Constance, Thessaloniki, Sofia, New York, Canada and Australia. Project is hosted by Ecological association for protection and improvement of the environment, EKO-Mladenovac.