Počet míst: 6 účastníků + 1 leader (věkově neomezen)
Věkový limit: 18-30 let
Účastnické země: Portugalsko, ČR, Lotyšsko, Chorvatsko
Cena: 200 Kč (administrativní poplatek za zpracování); ubytování a plná penze plně hrazena hostitelskou oganizací, rozpočet na dopravu 270 euro
Info: The main purpose of this project is to create gateways to engage the target group in sport in order to establish relationships with authority figures, social services, educational programmes and marginalised groups. Sport now features in various targeted youth initiatives, including "National Programme of Sport for All", currently active in Portugal. The processes through which these 'sports-based interventions' might promote 'social inclusion' require, however, further investigation. Drawing on interviews with operational staff, managers, partners and participants, the project critically analyses the concept of 'sports-based social inclusion' with reference to four main themes: 'sport for all', 'social cohesion', 'a pathway to work' and 'giving voice'. It argues that, while programmes achieve varying degrees of 'success' in relation to these themes, their impact on exclusionary processes is inevitably limited.
Pozor - v infopacku je chybně stanovené datum, projekt nezačíná 14., ale 15.6.!!!