Počet míst: 5 účastníků
Věkový limit: 18+ let
Účastnické země: ČR, Polsko, Slovensko, Maďarsko - země Visegradské čtyřky
Cena: hrazen travel budget do 180 euro (po schválení itineráře organizátory), ubytování a plná penze hrazena hostitelskou organizací
Info: Veškeré info je k nalezení v infopacku.
The training course will provide the opportunity for national campaign coordinators and young activists from each of the four Visegrad countries to improve their competences needed for the development of online and offline action for and with young people in protection of human rights, focused on combating hate speech.
Aim of the training course is to reduce violent radicalization and national extremism in the four Visegrad countries by improving the impact and quality of national actions promoting human rights and combating hate speech online and offline, and also by raising the quantity of these actions.