The international training course "Youth ENTREPRENEURization" aims to train and equip youth workers and youth leaders working directly with young unemployed people in deprived rural and urban areas with essential business and entrepreneurial knowledge and skills and support them to contribute to tackling of the problem of unemployment among youth through promoting self- employment and entrepreneurial culture.
Unforgettable intercultural experience!
The Training aims to provide an unforgettable and rich intercultural experience where people from different countries and culture bring their touch and insights creating a synergy of learning and new friendships.
Discover Armenia!
Participants will have opportunities to discover Yerevan and Armenia during their stay. Participants will be given self-structured free time mainly in the afternoons to engage in activities of their choice.Optional excursions and trips will be organized making stay both as relaxing and fun as possible!Unemployment is a big challenge in Europe and neighboring partner countries. The problem is more severe in case of young people with fewer opportunities living in deprived rural and urban areas due tolimitations related to their geographic location and lack of access to education and work opportunities.
This issue is targeted mostly from macro level through the notion of wise policy and effective management of the economy. We believe this is not enough. We are convinced that a true and sustainable solution can only come inside-out; when a shift in thinking and change in perceptions takes place in the minds of young people who come to understand that they have more control over their lives than they think and they are empowered to be proactive and strategic, to seize opportunities, to see the potential and take risks. We believe in the potential of small synergistic actions in local interdependent realities and the need to promote entrepreneurial spirit among young people.
Entrepreneurship is an alternative (and also creative) approach to create jobs and improve livelihoods and economic independence of young people. It helps integrate youth into the value creating cycle of the economy.
Youth workers and youth leaders working directly with young unemployed people are uniquely positioned to inspire and empower youth to gain entrepreneurial and business knowledge, experience and skills through non-formal and informal activities and raise their self-confidence and enthusiasm which leads to promotion of entrepreneurship and higher awareness of personal empowerment.
Objectives of the training course:
- Deepen the understanding about the concept of self-employment and entrepreneurship within the context of youth.
- Study the status-quo of young unemployed people in deprived rural and urban areas. Map reasons and consequences of long term joblessness.
- Explore ways, methods and tools to help unemployed young people make a transition to self-employed.
- Share best practices on how to integrate alienated and marginalized youth back into the value creating cycle of the economy and give them a sense of responsibility and empowerment.
- Understand effective ways for working with youth in difficult physiological conditions due to joblessness.
- Expand knowledge about how non-formal and informal education can be used to help youth develop new skills and experiences.
- Promote creativity and spirit of flexibility in youth in deprived rural and urban areas.
- Developing business ideas, entrepreneurial initiatives and partnerships among participants.
- Promoting Erasmus + Programme and opportunities for youth in rural and urban areas and shape a comprehensive understanding about what can be done under Erasmus + Programme to tackle theproblem of unemployment through youth work.
- Develop and publish an electronic catalogue of tools and approaches for effective youth work with young people with fewer opportunities in rural and urban areas.